Aqua Primorje EU project
We are preparing our 3rd workshop in Rijeka, Croatia that will be held from 13th till 15th of September 2021. We will speak much about choreography, and how to compose a duet coreography.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Sport, in general, can be utilized as a cross-cutting tool to promote education, health, inclusion, intercultural dialogue, development and peace. It generates important values such as team spirit, solidarity, tolerance and fair play, contributing to personal development and fulfilment.Human Resource Management in Sport, which deals with education, training, employment and volunteering in sport, is the topic that we selected as it covers our main interest, which is the education and mobility of coaches in synchronized swimming. The project focuses on education of coaches in the fields of training approach, choreography, implementation of other sports and their respective cultures, music interpretation, swimming costumes and make up, nutrition and management. Synchronized swimming coaches in our part of the world have no possibilities for education and knowledge improvement. There is no school or course a synchro coach can take in this part of the world, so the only way for improvement is to connect among ourselves and share experiences and information, otherwise known as non-formal education. “Primorje Aqua Maris” has equipped itself with an expert coach, specialized in Choreography, Health and Nutrition, Coaching Psychology and a few more topics, she intends to share through lectures given in theory and a hands-on approach at the workshops. However, in order to flourish, knowledge needs to grow and expand, including by crossing borders. This is where the European dimension in education, training, and youth policies comes in. With this project we would like to provide support for trainers, coaches, and trainees; as well as encourage member states or partner institutions in EU neighboring countries to reform and modernize education and training systems and develop policies so that they are better equipped to tackle today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.
The kick off meeting for the Erasmus + sport project “Aqua Primorje” was organized from February 19th – 21th 2020. in Samobor, Croatia.
The project coordinator is Klub sinkroniziranog plivanja Primorje Aqua Maris Rijeka, Croatia and the project partners are Udruga Sport VIV, Croatia, Synchronised swimming federation of Serbia and Bulgarian sports development association.
The project focuses on non-formal education of synchronized swimming coaches in the field of training approach, choreography, nutrition. Synchronized swimming coaches in project partner countries have no possibilities for formal education and knowledge improvement, so the only way for their improvement is to exchange experiences and examples of good practice. With this project we will provide support for trainers, coaches, and trainees but also encourage relevant decision makers in project partner countries to reform and modernize education and develop policies in the field of education of synchronised swimming.
The project started on 1st January 2020. and will last for 18 months. It is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The total EU grant is 58.250 EUR.
We have just finished our first day of the workshop for the Erasmus + sport project organized by @synchroserbia held online.
Thank you Ana Montero for great lecture as usual. 😉
New tips will soon be used in the swimming pool.
From 25th till 27th of June, we had our second workshop in Bulgaria, Sofia. The lessons were given by Jenny Gray, lots of practice and theory. The part about prevention of injuries were presented by Ivelina Dimitrova, kinesitherapist from Bulgaria. Our coaches were very satisfied with lot of new videos, exercises and new accessories to help prevent injuries.
Thanks to BSDE for such a nice organisation of everything. 🙂